Tuesday, February 02, 2010


Winter is finally here, and I guess for most of us, there's no escaping it. Some days I feel like rolling myself into a ball, and piling a mound of blankets on top of me, and not moving all day, while other days I choose to embrace it. Sometimes there is nothing better than coming inside from a cold winter's day to get all cozy and warm, especially when there's some home made soup in a rustic little cafe to greet you. My roomate Candice and I finally went to Soupesoup on Duluth in Montreal. We've been trying to go there ever since we moved here, but I can't figure out their opening hours, and most of the time they seem to be closed. We went a couple Sundays ago, and each had amazing soups. Mine was Cauliflower, and Candice's was a vegetable medley. I haven't been to the other locations, but I definitely recommend the one on Duluth, as a cute little winter hiding spot.

This is us with our soupesoup:


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